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  • Erin Latta

New Bunnies Arriving at our Rabbitry/A Very Exciting Year Ahead of Us!

I think this may be one of the most exciting years we have had/will have at our rabbitry. I have been planning this for at LEAST a year and a half now. The reason it seemed to take so long was because we didn't have enough money and resources to start these upcoming projects. However, since we feel more commited to the following activites, we are very happy to announce the following events that will be happening this year:

1) Even though it's in the title, I'll restate. We're getting a nice trio of Satin Angoras in February. Since the rabbits are still young, their colors hae not been evaluated by their breeder except one is hopefully a fawn. Once they've been fully evaluated they'll be coming home with us! The two does and the buck will be the herd dams and sire and will be the foundation of Opal Hill Angoras! We are extremely happy and we have been marking our calendars. On February 27th I'll be having an FB vote on names. I already have a name for one of the does, but the other doe and the buck still need names. If you would like to, you can vote and choose which name you like the best for either one.

2) We're expanding the website! I'll be adding more pictures on the website, add more videos to Youtube, update the FB status more often, and try better to respond to messages and emails quicker. I made this one of my new years wish me luck on that!

3) We will be having our OFFICIAL FIRST EVER ANGORA LITTER this year! The does and bucks will be bred in October so we should be expecting babies sometime in November. This is fantastic, since our breeding season in October to Mid-July. That means they'll be ready for sale in January, so keep you eyes peeled.

4) I'm finally registering my rabbitry under ARBA. My registration will be fully complete n March yes, we are soon to be an ARBA-registered Angora rabbitry. The same day I got the paperwork was the same day I found out we're the only Angora rabbitry in Portland and the whole Portland metro area. Wierd.

5) My little brother had gotten the keen interest of raising poultry. I've been very happy for his persistance and am hoping he's able to do it. He's interested in raising Rhode Island Reds for eggs and meat. I don't know if he wants to make a business out of it or not. I'm sure he'll do well. He wants to be a member of the Hens n' Hares Multnomah 4-H group; which I'm also ecstatic about. Hens n' Hares needs more members! I've been a member for two years and have been seeing less kids show up.

6) I'm switching from a public high school to an online charter school, so I'll be able to finish work earlier and spend more time working outside with the flowers, veggies, herbs and rabbits. This week is my last week at a public school...which is a wierd though. I'm excited about being home schooled and beign able to do more activites I love to do.

7) We're going to straighten up our backyard. Even though it's not too big it's very choppy looking. I'm just glad we're lucky enough to have a backyard. Most houses in Portland don't even have one!

This year and the next is going to be a fantastic year, full of excitement, fiber...and of course, BABY BUNNIES! Can't wait for the year to continue so I can raise little precious fluff bundles. We're currently on short-time hiatus from showmanship, but we'll be doing some in the Summer...which I'll update you guys on. Wish me luck, and I hope y'all had a happy new year! :)

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