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  • Erin Latta

A Major House Fire on my Street

Yesterday, around 6:00 pm, my family saw three fire trucks whizzing down our street and lots of people walking down the sidewalk. We all exchanged glances and walked outside to see what the commotion was about. We were all shocked to see smoke billowing out of the house of one of our good neighbors...just five houses down.

About ten minutes later, there were four firetrucks, two ambulances, and three police cars. The fire was enormous! It took the firemen more than twenty minutes to put it out.

Luckily our neighbors were out of town, however, I pity them when they come back to their barely-standing house, which is now a black, empty shell. I cried later on. They were great neighbors that I will probably never see again.

Please pray for the poor Eritrean family who lost their home and the firefighter who was severely injured while putting out the fire: It was horrifying to see.

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